BrightPlayer2 - tool for UT'99 Purpose: This mutator makes the player to look brighter, it does not change the parameters of the light (brightness or such), only makes him immune to light, practically becomes visible all the time, including in dark places. Decription/Explanations: Mutator uses a configuration file called BrightPlayer2.ini In this file we have 4 options: - bEnableNonPlayers - will tweak non-players too - default is True; - StartTime - this is a delay in seconds until mutator will start working, looping through pawns - default is 1.5; - CheckRate - this is a pause in seconds between loops - default is 1.2. - PwnsPerSec - desired number of pawns per second - purpose is decreasing processing charge. Operation mode: Won't need to be listed in ServerPackages unless you want to share it (incomplete - without ini and int). Mutator's ini can be generated from Menu fired by ConsoleCommand (without symbols) because int file will make it visible there. After changing a value and closing that menu, INI file is being generated/saved. Mutator after taking a pause (StartTime) will loop through pawns aiming a processing rate for a desired number of pawns/second in ideal cases, if a pawn is not lost (killed in battle) during process, for such a case pawns processing restarts. Between processing pawns exist a (CheckRate) pause. Pawns with no meshes or hidden are not in account. bEnableNonPlayers is suitable for MonsterHunt if we want monsters well visible - here PwnsPerSec can be adjusted.... Setup: In a common server/game All files except the txt file are going in System folder. For other configurations follow your deal with Paths declarations. Mutator is called in chain BrightPlayer2.BrightPlayer and can be placed where you want, it can be the last in chain because won't use common functions from Mutator class which might break things here and there in other cases. Content: BrightPlayer2.u - main mutator having a class and dependencies Core, Engine. - opening interface - loading it Off-Line, setting up configuration. BrightPlayer2.ini - containing configuration values. BrightPlayer_Info.txt - current file :/. This mutator will use default Pawn replication for making changes visible in Network games. Another version working without too much networking perhaps won't be loved by Anti-Cheats. I prefer this one smoothing at 128-256 Pawns per Second in order to have less bandwidth instantly loaded, but a bit of net charge spread over time, replication is part of the game. Copy of the Paste - known as coding at random -> do what you want with this mutator/tool - I did not stripped code out.